
The Governing Body of St James’ Church of England School meets twice per term. In addition special meetings may be requested at any time. In accordance with regulations, the Governing Body comprises LA representatives; elected Parent Governors, Staff Governors, Teacher representatives and individuals co-opted on to the body that have an interest in school and education.

Governors have full responsibilities for the management, efficiency, curriculum, finances and achievements of the school. They represent the views and concerns of all members of the school community; any queries from teaching staff may be addressed to the Teacher representatives.

If you would like to contact any of the Governors please contact our main office.

Governing Body 2022/2023

Name Type of Governor Term of Office Ends Committees / Responsibilities Membership of other Governing Bodies or Learning Trusts Business Interests / Family Associations
Mrs Rose Boland-Bourne Head Teacher n/a None None None
Miss Ellen Kemp Foundation Governor
01.07.2026 Looked after children
Finance, Staffing & Resources Safeguarding. Curriculum
Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes
St Luke’s VA Primary School Governor.
Chelmsford Diocese Education Trust, Trustee.
The Boleyn Trust Member.
Monega School Governor.
Mr Fitzroy Muir Co-opted Governor
(Vice Chair)
04.10.2027 Finance, Staffing & Resources None Wife used to work at School
Ms Ann Arnold
(Vice Chair) 24.05.2027      
Rev Cornelius Henry Foundation Governor Ex-officio RE
Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes
None None
Rev Janetta Braithwaite Foundation Governor 13.06.2025 Curriculum None None
Mr Olu Oyenigba Co-opted Governor 21.03.2027 Health & Safety Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare None None
Cllr Neil Wilson Authority Governor 25.11.2027 Inclusion. Finance, Staffing & Resources (Chair) St Luke’s VA Primary School Governor. None
Ms Sandra Delapenha-Chin Co-opted Governor 18.01.2025 Curriculum None None
Ms Darja Bardo Co-opted Governor 18.05.2028 Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes, Art / D&T None None
Mr Angel Valdiveso Co-opted Governor 21.03.2026      


* Discipline, Grievance & Complaints Committee:  All Governors except staff governors serve on this committee when required.